Why is the Golden Valley Code of Conduct important?
- To ensure the best education
- To ensure moral and physical safety
- To create a dynamic learning environment
- To promote personal expression
To ensure the best education
Students’ Responsabilities
- Attend school regularly.
- Participate in special activities.
- Contact school to explain absence (Phone call or note from the parents).
- All students must report to the office before they leave school for any reason.
Helping Strategies
- Take attendance every day.
- Phone parents for absence on a daily basis.
- Student should have a note or appointment card if they are late or absent.
- If a child is ill at school, a call will be made to a parent or guardian.
Absenteeism procedure:
- Parents will be contacted daily to confirm reason for child’s absence.
- If absenteeism is persistent, a meeting will be arranged to discuss the problem.
- Youth Protection Services could be contacted.
- If a student misses more than 30% or 20 days per term the assessment/ evaluation may not be completed.
To ensure moral and physical safety
Students’ Responsabilities
- Respect everyone’s rights.
- Walk safely at permitted time.
- Put personal property in a safe place.
- Respect all school rules.
Helping Strategies
- Every person in school or on its grounds is deserving of courtesy and respect.
- Disrespect or defiance is not tolerated.
- Discipline Program.
Mutual respect
Attentive Listening
Right to pass
Consequences when students do not act appropriately start with a warning and can go as far as suspension. A suspension is generally served at home and is the consequence of physical or verbal violence. The parents of the offending student may be contacted to pick up their child from school immediately.
To create a dynamic learning environment
Students’ Responsabilities
- Be punctual.
- Participate in the class.
- Have all required school materials.
- Complete work on time.
- Stay on task.
- Use polite words.
- Be honest.
- Take care of school property.
Helping Strategies
- Sleep and eat well.
- Ask questions when required.
- Prepare material before class.
- Read at home every day.
- Get along with others.
- Avoid cheating and plagiarism.
- Study Policy: Students who do not complete assignments on time can expect to receive a letter, which parents must sign to acknowledge the situation.
- Academic Honesty Policy is adopted by the school and required by the MEES.
- Fees will be charged for any lost or damaged school property.
To promote personal expression
Students’ Responsabilities
- Respect everyone’s differences.
- Dress appropriately
- Leggings must be covered by a long shirt or tunic.
- No headgear permitted in school.
- The use by elementary students of personal electronic devices is not permitted on school property, unless the teachers requests it.
Helping Strategies
- Be kind.
- Think before acting.
- Leave all personal electronics at home (cell, music, video, etc.) or with your teacher during the day.
- Complete information for Dress code is found on last page of this Information section.
If students do not abide by these directives, the possible consequences are:
- Suspension.
- Participation in any extra-curricular activity, field trip or school dance can be cancelled.
- Confiscation of electronic device, parents contacted.
Behaviour Policy & Discipline Committee
The school discipline committee is made up of teachers, support staff and the administration. Its mandate is to support the School Code of Conduct and assist in its implementation. The committee will meet with students and their parents who have been referred to the committee by the administration or other teachers.
Behaviour | Consequence / Days of suspension |
Use of cell phone or other electronic device during school hours. | The device will be confiscated and held at the office until a parent retrieves it. If the behaviour is repeated, the device may be held for an indefinite time. |
The forging of notes. | 1 day (at the discretion of the administration) |
Maliciously setting off a fire alarm and/or behaving inappropriately during fire drill procedures. | 1 day (at the discretion of the administration) |
Smoking on school property. | Warning, then suspension on a progressive basis; |
Loitering after school. | Warning |
Refusing or failing to report for a detention. | 1 day (at the discretion of the administration) |
Bullying including persistent intimidation, harassment, verbal threats, threats of physical harm and extortion. | 1 day(at the discretion of the administration) |
Racial, sexual and/or religious comments designed to insult others. | 1 day (at the discretion of the administration) |
Use of inappropriate or threatening language and/or abusive or rude gestures directed toward school personnel and/or students. | 1 day (at the discretion of the administration) |
Fighting or any violent behaviour, which threatens another individual either physically or sexually. Play fighting is not tolerated because of the ease with which it can escalate to violence. The school has adopted a ZERO TOLERANCE TO VIOLENCE policy. | 1 to 3 days (at the discretion of the administration) |
Theft (Stealing). | 2 days (at the discretion of the administration) |
Willful damage, destruction or vandalism of school property. | 2 days (at the discretion of the administration). In addition, the student (parents) will be responsible for the cost of cleaning, repairing or replacing the vandalized property. |
Possession of any weapon or replicas intended for the purpose of causing injury or death, or to be used to threaten or intimidate. All such items will be considered as offensive weapons. | 3 days (at the discretion of the administration) |
Possession and use of drugs or alcohol on school board property or during school organized activities. | 5 – 10 days (at the discretion of the administration) |
Please, take note
Suspensions are from a minimum of one (1) day to a maximum of ten (10) days, according to school and board policy.
Suspended students are not permitted in school or on school grounds during the course of their suspension.
Any violation of the Criminal Code will be reported to the Police.